Dr. Barbara Shew, Clinic Director
Barbara Shew has served as Director of the Plant Disease and Insect Clinic since January of 2009. She is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology. Dr. Shew also serves as an Extension Specialist for peanut diseases and conducts research on peanut diseases. She received her B.S. degree from Colorado State University and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from North Carolina State University.
Emma Lookabaugh, Graduate Research Assistant
Emma Lookabaugh worked on the PDIC throughout her undergraduate career at NCSU, where she received a B.S. degree in Plant Biology in 2010. She is now a Master of Science Student in the Department of Plant Pathology. Emma diagnoses tomato samples in cooperation with Dr. Frank Louws and is responsible for the clinic's social media. Emma's research will identify species of Pythium that cause problems in greenhouse production and determine their sensitivity to common fungicides.

Shawn Butler, Lab Technician
Shawn Butler hails from northern New York in the Seaway Valley and received a B.S. degree in Agronomy from Cornell University. He serves as the clinic's landscape ornamentals diagnostician. Shawn also is an expert in molecular diagnostics for fungi, bacteria and viruses. He manages day-to-day clinic activities, hourly employees, and regulatory issues. Shawn joined the Plant Disease and Insect Clinic in 2001.
Mike Munster, Ornamental Pathologist
Mike Munster diagnoses diseases on ornamentals for commercial clients such as nurseries and greenhouses. He has been in this capacity since February of 2009, after a 10-year hiatus from the clinic. He holds a B.S. degree in Agronomy from the University of Minnesota and an M.S. in Plant Pathology from North Carolina State University. In addition to his diagnostic responsibilities, Mike teaches a portion of the turf and ornamentals diseases course in the NCSU Agricultural Institute and is a regular presenter on the online "Plants, Pests, and Pathogens" internet training series for Master Gardener Volunteers.
Matt Bertone, Entomologist
Matt Bertone identifies arthropods and other animal specimens. He also identifies specimens for researchers at NCSU and other universities in North Carolina, and prepares suitable specimens for the NCSU Insect Museum (insectmuseum.org). Matt is a regular presenter on the online "Plants, Pests, and Pathogens" webinar series for Master Gardener Volunteers. Matt earned a B.S. degree from Salisbury University (Maryland) and graduated from North Carolina State University with his M.S. (2004) and Ph.D. (2008) degrees in Entomology.
Charles Hodges
Dr. Chuck Hodges diagnoses tree diseases and identifies household molds. He is retired from the U.S. Forest Service and works part-time in the clinic. Dr. Hodges is a world authority on tree diseases and an expert mycologist. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia.
David Stephan, Entomologist (Retired)
Dave Stephan identifies arthropods and other animal specimens submitted to Entomology Extension and to the Plant Disease and Insect Clinic. He also identifies specimens for researchers at NCSU and other universities in North Carolina. He maintains records on specimens submitted to the Clinic and prepares suitable specimens for the NCSU Insect Collection. Dave earned a B.S. degree from Cornell University (1968) and an M.S. degree from North Carolina State University (1975).